Our Story
VoterCast is a product of ideas42, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that uses insights from behavioral science to improve lives around the world. We developed VoterCast to give election officials across the United States the tools they need to help every voter be more informed, confident, and prepared to cast their ballot.
For almost a decade, the civic engagement team at ideas42 has partnered with election officials to design and test new and better ways to communicate with voters. Through these collaborations, we produced outreach content that encouraged millions of people to take critical steps around registration, turnout, and other election-related actions - like signing up for ballot tracking or to be a poll worker.
The lessons we learned on how best to support voters were applicable nationwide. However, vast differences in election laws and procedures across states (and even among jurisdictions) made it challenging for us to scale those insights broadly. We developed detailed guides on voter communication as an attempt to make best practices more accessible to every local election official. But for many officials, putting that guidance into practice required work that their offices simply didn't have the capacity for.
Understanding these constraints, we built VoterCast. The content offered through the platform incorporates the latest evidence and best practices in voter outreach. And the technology we developed automatically tailors content to the specific laws and election calendars of every jurisdiction in the country. Election officials now have access to best-in-class voter communications in just a few clicks.